Home APPS Does Your Business Need A Facebook Group?

Does Your Business Need A Facebook Group?

Have you ever thought a Facebook Group could be helpful for your business? Find out if it’s right for you and your company in the article! Have you noticed that in the last couple of years, Groups have become more and more present in the News Section? If you’re part of someone, you’ll have noticed that Facebook is giving more and more space to this type of content: every day, the News Section is made up of many posts from groups.

The News Feed algorithm update now prioritizes posts from friends over Pages, giving greater visibility to content that generates discussions and interactions between users. For this reason, many companies have begun to wonder if creating a Group for their brand is better than a Page.

So is it better to abandon the idea of ​​pages and invest in a Facebook Group? Can it be valid for brands of all types and sizes? And can it be leveraged as a business asset to make money? The business possibilities that the creation of a group gives are many and varied.

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The Group Can Be Born For

  • Customers: in the case of small businesses and companies aimed at B2B and B2C.
  • The Group helps to retain customers because it allows you to show them some exclusive behind the scenes, give promos and previews, and involve them in your choices through their feedback on.
  • Potential customers: the Facebook group can bring your potential customer closer, “giving” him valuable content not only creates a contact but, at the same time, leads him towards the purchase.
  • Course/Event Attendees: If you have a business that usually organizes courses and events, it can be a good idea to create a group whenever you plan to schedule one. In this way, the participants will feel taken into consideration, and you will eventually see an exchange of ideas and materials.
  • Readers: Facebook will give more and more visibility to local news, which will also be integrated into regional groups.
  • Local newspapers, for example, in this way can create groups around which to gather their readers, allowing them to exchange opinions and reports.
  • Employees and collaborators: exchange and relationships within the company must be cultivated, so why not exploit the Group for this purpose?
  • “Verticals”: the creation of groups dedicated to specific topics (e.g., fit recipe enthusiasts, wanted hostesses/promoters, shopaholics, events in a particular city…) can help small businesses that work in that specific sector (e.g., independent fashion brands > Group of shopaholics).
  • In this case, a group can be used better to analyze the needs and desires of your target, receive feedback on products and services, and encourage the sale of your items.

The Group can give you substantial value on the insights of your audience, and you can observe your target from the inside.

How Can I Monetize A Facebook Group?

  • You can offer previews and discounts dedicated to attendees.
  • You can offer free resources to members of the Group.
  • You can link an entry to the Group to complete a landing page, where some information is requested; this way, the acquisition of contacts is obtained.
  • You can make affiliations and partnerships to monetize.

Creating a Facebook group is within everyone’s reach, but maintaining it over time is the real challenge. Strategically managing a group requires a certain amount of time. Does your company have the human and economic resources available to do it?

A Group Needs To Be

  • A community of active people interested in what is happening or being said must be created within it.

To do this, it is necessary to promote it through multiple channels to identify and stimulate people interested in what we deal with:

  • Moderated, constantly and based on the number of people who are part of it, but also about the activity of this community.
  • Animated, especially in the beginning. It would help if you kept the interest active with news or topics that stimulate interaction in the community and then be able to manage it.

Should a business consider setting up a Facebook Group? Each company must make its considerations, also evaluating what is written above; it must be said that Facebook will continue to give more and more importance to Groups and provide dedicated features that allow you to structure a link with your community.

This allows you to study it from the inside and always have more information on the interests and requests of the target. Finally, you also need to understand the actual value that a group can bring to your business, how demanding its management can be and how it can help you achieve your goal.

Also Read: Facebook And Marketing: An Essential Tool Now

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